The Official Fan Site!
Dale Ashing
Team: Andy's BMX Racing
Delaware, Arkansas

Dale Ashing
Age: 9
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 79 lbs.
Class: Novice
Started: 01/24
Plate Number: 558
Bike Mfg: Redline Proline/Flight
Home Track: “Bonzai” Little Rock, Arkansas
Racing Experience: Watching Races & Soon To Be Novice Rider
Mom: Julia Mills
Grandparents: Rhonda & David Anderson
Favorite Rider: Barry Nobbles
Favorite Series: BMX USA
Favorite Tracks: “Bonzai” Little Rock, Arkansas – “Hardesty” Tulsa, Oklahoma
Favorite Sports: Racing - Baseball - Basketball
Fans: Dale Sends A Big Hello And Thanks For Your Support!
Dale will be a participating as a Novice at Bonzai located in Little Rock, Arkansas during this upcoming year. He will have the opportunity to compete and fine tune his riding skills with some of the best riders in the country, where he will develop the necessary skills to hopefully become a future champion one day!